Well, Day 2 is going a bit more smoothly. The seminars are good (I got a lot of good tips for this blog, as a matter of fact) and I finally got the internet thing fixed.
I'm up to seventeen forks now, and I've even spoken to some other authors and agents. Looking forward to my official consultation with Miss Cameron McClure at 2:55pm, So if you happen to look at the clock today adn notice that its around that time, toss back a beer for me. You know, I should really get some more liquor; this is supposed to be a vacation, after all...
More to come.
PS-- I've made a lot more videos during my hiatus, but this is the best one:
All the vocals are done by me. That's right, I can sing AND edit audio.
What can be said about Ensis? Women want him [to grow up], men want to BE [far away from] him. But the kids love him. All Ensis really wants out of life is a big stack of Pokémon cards and a lair made out of downed planes and upturned ships in a tree [you know, kind of like the place Sonic lives in]. But when the world takes an economic downturn, it’s up to Ensis to save it! Or, at the very least, to try to exploit it for all it’s worth. In order to turn his regular hobby into a lucrative hobby, Ensis must endeavor to become part of the notoriously recession-proof entertainment industry! But to do that, he’ll have to brave the world of Agents, Editors, Artists, and Entrepreneurs. It’s a long row to hoe, but to an aspiring supervillain for whom anything is possible, it can’t be too hard, right? Right?
How to get URL of commentator
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This week in books 7/14/17
This week! Books!
But first, a programming note. Posts will be a bit sporadic in the next few
weeks as I am headed to San Diego for the wonderment known ...
For All Your Maximum Ride Needs
It's been a while, but if you want to keep up with me and the rest of The
Flock, check out www.jamespattersonya.com and www.jpya.tumblr.com.
Fly on,
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