The heater turned off. Honey shivered in her sleep—shivered so hard she woke herself up. Suddenly there was a crinkling sound and something light and airy fell on her. Its surface was cold to the touch, but she could feel it reflecting warmth from her body back in towards her. She rolled over and looked up. A chrome space blanket was draped over her.
Victor stood over her, swaying slightly.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“You’re welcome,” Victor said. “I mean, good morning,” he corrected, shaking his head. He shifted his weight on his feet, stumbling slightly.
She sat up. “How did you find me?”
“By marching all night,” he said, swaying some more. His face looked drawn and greasy.
“…you didn’t sleep?”
“sleep is for wea— the suc— a lose— shut up!” Honey watched him sway, and couldn’t help but feel a little touched.
“Well, go back to fisty-town, or whatever its called. Hang with the mayor! Join the museum!” her guts twisted themselves with guilt. She stood up. “Cant’ you see I’ve been trying to lose you since the island? I don’t need your help! I can do it by myself! I don’t need you!” Wrapping a hand around the wooden sword, she pulled it from its place in her belt and flung it on the ground in front of him. She turned and marched away through the cold air.
“You don’t need me?” Victor asked. Honey stopped. “Need me? NEED ME? YOU don’t need MEE?!” He walked slowly toward her, fatigue replaced with outrage. “You commandeered my boat. Forced me to abandon it. Convinced me o stow away on a cruise ship. Helped me steal a jet. Helped me steal fuel for the jet. Made me take you out of UNT territory, got me stranded in some fishing-town, and then made me come after you when you ran away! You? Need ME? I don’t think so, sister.” He put a hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face him. “I need you. Because I have no Idea how I’m gonna get out of this mess without you.”
She smiled, a tear rolling down her face, and hugged him. They turned and walked away, arm in arm.
“Plus, I’m gonna need somebody to blame it on,” Victor said.
Honey hit him.