what do you think?

is it too busy? it think it may be a little too busy, but it's good for a first draft.
it's fairly symbolic; fans of the original will have some inkling of what's going to happen (if any of them ever make it here to read it...)
yeah, as it says on the picture, all your questions will be answered. probably. all MY questions will be answered, anyway, adn if your questions are my questions, prepare for answers.
even thought it will be the last book in the series, i still have plans to write at least three short stories to fill in the gaps. they will all take place before the events of the UHA1, so it will be a lot different adn a little bit of a challenge for me, but you can find out more about them if ou happen to have membership to my special, super-exclusive UHA wiki!
only 10 spots are available, and most of them are filled, although none of them ever visit besides me, so if you get to be my really close freind, adn promise to visit every day adn contribute your little ass off, i'll bump one of them for you.
Also, it's a little reaching, but just in case anyone actually does read this, does anyone know if i can host files on this blog? is there any way? i'm pretty sure there's not, but it never hurts to ask.
if it turns out to be possible, i can put all kinds of great stuff up here- pics, e-books, ... pics of e-books?
okay,so i only really have two KINDS of things to download, but i have loads of those.
if it's unpossible, though, i'll just post some more up here.
until later.