No, not for me! I just came from a friend's wedding, and I have to admit that as long as my family's not at them, I enjoy weddings. Hopefully soon I'll have a video of our crazy dance.
But it invariably gets me thinking, as it does many, what will my wedding be like?
I mean, assuming I find some female worthy/stupid enough to sell me her soul for a lifetime of terrible puns and proofreading prose, how would it go down?
Well, here are a few things I've determined:
My wedding will be include a battle between the best and worst man.
It will be held in someplace hard to get to--a mountain, or a canyon--to keep the riffraff and old people away.
It will most definitely be secular, and the minister will be dressed as Master Chief.
There will be swords involved. Lots of them.
In lieu of cake, we will cut the ceremonial Wedding Steak.
There will be no diamonds. NO DIAMONDS!
I don't actually expect to have many of these dreams fulfilled, so I'm going as big as possible. I hear the woman controls *ahem* most of the wedding choices, and I can live with that as long as I get one thing in return:
Complete control over the music.
I'll spare you the complete playlist, just know that there'll be plenty of Tchaikovsky, techno, and country songs. One detail I will leave you with is that instead of Wagner's bridal procession from Lohengrin, We'll be walking down the aisle to the tune of "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money. And needless to say, I won't be dancing because I'll be too busy DJing the reception.
So that's pretty cool, I guess. Big things Lie in store for the lucky lady who finally wins this: