i have been editing my ass off for teh last three days and i finally reached the end of the original manuscript. and i think i speak for everyone who's ever read the novel when i say, FUCK YEAH!
in case i neglected to mention it before, UHA is the first in a series of novels i am writing. UHA2 is complete and out for testing, but it is on hiatus until i have time to look at it. UHA1, i am actively editing, and UHA3 is to be completed this November, during National Novel Writing Month.
so, my plans from here are as follows:
1) take the revised manuscript and add a few necessary scenes, possibly rewrite the opening.
2) print the revised, v.2 manuscript and mark it up
3) complete rerevisions to get v.3 manuscript
4) send to agents
5) ????
6) profit.
i am excited. it's great to have something to do, adn to see progres being made.
i'm going to a party later tonight, so i may have another post.
40 Fascinating Photos Capture Edwardian People Posing in Gardens
Gardens in the early 20th century reflected a blend of traditional and
modern design influences, with a growing emphasis on functionality,
aesthetics, and ...