so now it's two days since i graduated and i have to move out of my dorm tomorrow. all this stuff is kind of wreaking havok on my writing. i haven't gotten anything substantial done since halfway through the semester. hopefully after i find a job things will settle down and i'll be able to continue editing "UHA" #1. but i do have a deadline. i'm looking to apply to a screenwriting fellowship, the deadline for which is july 1. the story shows promise, but at the moment my heart is being swarmed with inspiration for another project in novel form. it would make a great movie, but do i really want to start all over?
this is a key dilemma for authors everywhere. follow your inspiration like an artist? or stay the course and plod on with your current project like a worker? well, it all depends- am i doing this as a hobby or as a job?
yes and no
40 Fascinating Photos Capture Edwardian People Posing in Gardens
Gardens in the early 20th century reflected a blend of traditional and
modern design influences, with a growing emphasis on functionality,
aesthetics, and ...